Terms and conditions

Maison du Flaneur

Disponibilità camere e prenotazione

To request the availability of rooms, use the booking request form on our website.

After receiving the request, we reply within 24 hours with an email confirming the availability of rooms.

The room is considered to be confirmed only by sending our booking confirmation email containing the data of your stay in the B&B and the price

On the day of arrival, check-in takes place from 16:00; on the day of departure, check out is by 11:00.

Upon arrival, each guest must show a valid identity document; otherwise it cannot be accepted.

We reserve the right to replace the room assigned to the guest with another one of equal level or higher without notice and without price increase.


Prices and payment methods

The prices include taxes and breakfast. The tourist tax is excluded which entails an additional charge of 2 euros per day per person.

The price of the stay is what we communicate in the booking acceptance email.

With the booking confirmation we ask for your credit card details. These data are not used to make a charge relating to the cost of the stay but only for the collection of any penalty due for cancellation or reduction of the stay.

The price of the stay will be paid, on departure, only in cash or by check.



The cancellation or reduction of an already confirmed reservation must be communicated by email to: info@maisonduflaneur.it or by fax to +39 335 5316839

It is possible to cancel or reduce your reservation, without any charge, up to 20 days before the date of your arrival at the B&B.

For cancellations or reductions of the stay communicated below 20 days from the date of arrival we charge a penalty equal to the cost of one night.

For cancellations communicated less than seven days from the date of arrival or in case of no-show, we charge a penalty equal to the cost of the entire stay.

If the guest arrives but does not want to stay in the B&B, he is required to pay the full amount of the stay.

If the guest arrives and asks to reduce the stay, he is required to pay the full amount of the confirmed stay.